यसरि थाहा पाउनुहोस् आफ्नो आयु कति छ भनेर ?
आफ्नो आयु र जीवनको अवस्थाबारे
जानकारी गराउन मानव
शरीरका केही अगंहरुबाट हाँसिल गर्न
सकिन्छ । मानिसले आफू कति वर्ष बाँच्न सकिन्छ भनेर आफैंले
पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ । उक्त कुरा पत्ता लगाउन ऐना प्रयोग
गर्नुपर्नेछ । ऐना हेरेरआफ्नो आयुको बारेमा म कति वर्ष बाँच्न
सक्छु भनेर पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ ।
कसरी पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने ? थाहा पाउनुस्
ऐना हेरेर कसरी पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ आफ्नो आयु र
अर्काको आयु समेत पत्ता लगाइदिनुस् आफैले‘ शरिरको लक्षण
विज्ञानका अनुसार जुन व्यक्तिको टाउकोमा पूर्ण दुई रेखा हुन्छन्
उनीहरुको उमेर ६० वर्षको हुन्छ ।
यदी रेखा स्पष्ट छ भने उक्त
व्यक्ति आफ्नो जीवनमा निकै धनी र
खुसी हुन्छ । तर, रेखा बाङ्गो र काटिएको छ भने
ती व्यक्ति जीवनमा निकै दुःखमा फस्ने र
आर्थिक संकटबाट गुज्रिनुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
सामान्यतया निधारमा तीन वटा रेखा हुने व्यक्तिको उमेर
७५ वर्षको हुन्छ । यी मानिसको जीवन
सुखद हुन्छ र परिवारबाट निकै सम्मान पाउँछन् ।
निधारको तल्लो भागमा चार वटा रेखा भएको व्यक्तिको आयु पनि करिब
७५ वर्षको हन्छ । सामान्य रूपमा निधारमा पाँच वटा रेखा हुने
व्यक्तिले करिब १ सय वर्षसम्म आफ्नो जीवन
जीउन सक्छ । निधारको माथिल्लो भागमा पाँच
भन्दा बढी रेखा देखिए त्यो व्यक्तिको आयु मध्यम र
रेखा निकै अष्पष्ट भए उक्त व्यक्तिको आयु निकै कम हुने
बताइन्छ । यदी निधारमा कुनै रेखा छैन् भने उक्त
व्यक्तिले २५ वर्षदेखी ४०
वर्षको बीचमा निकै दुःख भोग्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
यदी कुनै व्यक्तिको निधारको दुई रेखाको किनार जोडिएको छ
भने उक्त व्यक्तिको उमेर करिब ६० वर्ष हुन्छ ।
यसरी निधारमा भएको रेखाबाट आफ्नो आयु थाहा पाउन
सकिन्छ। यसका लागी तपाईले ऐनाको प्रयोग गर्नुभयो भने
तपाईलाई पनि आफ्नो आयु बारे अनुमान लगाउन धेरै गाह्रो पर्दैन ।
यी सबै ज्योतिष शरिरको लक्षण विज्ञानमा आधारित
रहेर बनाइएको हो, यी सबै कुरा सबैमा लागू हुन्छ
भन्ने पनि छैन् ।
जानकारी गराउन मानव
शरीरका केही अगंहरुबाट हाँसिल गर्न
सकिन्छ । मानिसले आफू कति वर्ष बाँच्न सकिन्छ भनेर आफैंले
पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ । उक्त कुरा पत्ता लगाउन ऐना प्रयोग
गर्नुपर्नेछ । ऐना हेरेरआफ्नो आयुको बारेमा म कति वर्ष बाँच्न
सक्छु भनेर पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ ।
कसरी पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने ? थाहा पाउनुस्
ऐना हेरेर कसरी पत्ता लगाउन सकिन्छ आफ्नो आयु र
अर्काको आयु समेत पत्ता लगाइदिनुस् आफैले‘ शरिरको लक्षण
विज्ञानका अनुसार जुन व्यक्तिको टाउकोमा पूर्ण दुई रेखा हुन्छन्
उनीहरुको उमेर ६० वर्षको हुन्छ ।
यदी रेखा स्पष्ट छ भने उक्त
व्यक्ति आफ्नो जीवनमा निकै धनी र
खुसी हुन्छ । तर, रेखा बाङ्गो र काटिएको छ भने
ती व्यक्ति जीवनमा निकै दुःखमा फस्ने र
आर्थिक संकटबाट गुज्रिनुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
सामान्यतया निधारमा तीन वटा रेखा हुने व्यक्तिको उमेर
७५ वर्षको हुन्छ । यी मानिसको जीवन
सुखद हुन्छ र परिवारबाट निकै सम्मान पाउँछन् ।
निधारको तल्लो भागमा चार वटा रेखा भएको व्यक्तिको आयु पनि करिब
७५ वर्षको हन्छ । सामान्य रूपमा निधारमा पाँच वटा रेखा हुने
व्यक्तिले करिब १ सय वर्षसम्म आफ्नो जीवन
जीउन सक्छ । निधारको माथिल्लो भागमा पाँच
भन्दा बढी रेखा देखिए त्यो व्यक्तिको आयु मध्यम र
रेखा निकै अष्पष्ट भए उक्त व्यक्तिको आयु निकै कम हुने
बताइन्छ । यदी निधारमा कुनै रेखा छैन् भने उक्त
व्यक्तिले २५ वर्षदेखी ४०
वर्षको बीचमा निकै दुःख भोग्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
यदी कुनै व्यक्तिको निधारको दुई रेखाको किनार जोडिएको छ
भने उक्त व्यक्तिको उमेर करिब ६० वर्ष हुन्छ ।
यसरी निधारमा भएको रेखाबाट आफ्नो आयु थाहा पाउन
सकिन्छ। यसका लागी तपाईले ऐनाको प्रयोग गर्नुभयो भने
तपाईलाई पनि आफ्नो आयु बारे अनुमान लगाउन धेरै गाह्रो पर्दैन ।
यी सबै ज्योतिष शरिरको लक्षण विज्ञानमा आधारित
रहेर बनाइएको हो, यी सबै कुरा सबैमा लागू हुन्छ
भन्ने पनि छैन् ।
तपाईलाई लाग्ला ऐना हेरेर
Life line: The line which descends from Jupiter or
Mars mount or the place in between them
downward to the wrist, is known as life line.
Sometimes it is called father line too. This is a
very important line on palm.
Mars mount or the place in between them
downward to the wrist, is known as life line.
Sometimes it is called father line too. This is a
very important line on palm.
Figure-1: The life line
While reading palms, see and analyze it first.
Then go for other lines.
If this life line stands alone, without any cross
line, without any blemish, then it is supposed to
be a very good line. It symbolizes a long life of
the person and ensures a happy and healthy life.
It not only represents the life span of a person
but also gives a strong base for activeness,
workability, sprightliness and strength of body.
This line makes the life bright. An active and
strong person can build his own life by himself.
He can establish himself by overcoming all types
of hindrances and obstacles.
If a marshal line goes along with this life line,
then its power grows highly. He hardly falls ill,
and can recover quickly from any type of illness.
If this line breaks somewhere, then it represents a
grave illness, great danger, even a death of that
person at that age. To know the moment of that
evil period, you must know how to determine the
age from a life line.
Follow this step by step procedure:
Step 1: Identify your life line as shown in
While reading palms, see and analyze it first.
Then go for other lines.
If this life line stands alone, without any cross
line, without any blemish, then it is supposed to
be a very good line. It symbolizes a long life of
the person and ensures a happy and healthy life.
It not only represents the life span of a person
but also gives a strong base for activeness,
workability, sprightliness and strength of body.
This line makes the life bright. An active and
strong person can build his own life by himself.
He can establish himself by overcoming all types
of hindrances and obstacles.
If a marshal line goes along with this life line,
then its power grows highly. He hardly falls ill,
and can recover quickly from any type of illness.
If this line breaks somewhere, then it represents a
grave illness, great danger, even a death of that
person at that age. To know the moment of that
evil period, you must know how to determine the
age from a life line.
Follow this step by step procedure:
Step 1: Identify your life line as shown in
Step 2: Now you need to determine a point called
peak point, based on which you can divide your
life line correctly
Step 2: Now you need to determine a point called
peak point, based on which you can divide your
life line correctly
. See Figure-2.
Figure-2: Determine the peak point
First, draw the 1st line as shown in the figure-2.
Figure-2: Determine the peak point
First, draw the 1st line as shown in the figure-2.
It should start from the middle of the base of
your middle finger to the middle of your first
bracelet line as shown.
Second, draw the 2nd line as shown. It should
start from the center of the thumb tip to the
middle of your first bracelet line.
3rd, draw the 3rd line from the middle of the base
of the index finger to the left end of your bracelet
line. See the figure-2 for clarity.
your middle finger to the middle of your first
bracelet line as shown.
Second, draw the 2nd line as shown. It should
start from the center of the thumb tip to the
middle of your first bracelet line.
3rd, draw the 3rd line from the middle of the base
of the index finger to the left end of your bracelet
line. See the figure-2 for clarity.
Figure-3: Determining the age
Step 3: Now draw lines from your peak point on
Venus mount to the points as shown by the red
lines. The numbers represent the respective age
of your life.
Venus mount to the points as shown by the red
lines. The numbers represent the respective age
of your life.
Now I think, you have got a clear idea, how to
find out the difficult years of your life. If you have
any question, feel free to make a comment.source:ghaubashi khabar
find out the difficult years of your life. If you have
any question, feel free to make a comment.source:ghaubashi khabar